Program and Activities
Friday October 7
Arrival Travel
Registration (Nordic Lanes Banquet Room, Westby) (4-7pm)
Dinner: On your own or gather with others
Suggestion: The Nordic Lanes offers a fish fry on Friday nights for $7 (three pieces of fish, potato, salad, dinner roll). Simply order off the menu and have it delivered to the banquet room as you informally visit with others.
Informal Social Gathering, Old Town Inn Supper Club, Westby (8-11pm) or Nordic Lanes
and/or Sally's Flashlight Tour of the Cemeteries: Meet Lars
Saturday October 8
Registration Continued (Meeting room at the Westby Library)
Tour of Norskedalen (Coon Valley) - Meet at the library at 9:00 if you would like to drive down with others.
Norskedalen recreates an early American Norwegian homestead (map to get there). Tour the Bekkum Homestead and the Skumsrud Heritage Farm (Recall that Jens Larsen Onsrud married Anne Olsdatter Skumrud. The heritage farm is normally closed in October but we have arranged a special tour. Be at the Skumsrud Heritage Farm before 11:00 for a 30 minute tour - see the map. Another small fee ($5) may apply but bring your ticket from Norskedalen in case the special tour is included with your other ticket.)
Lunch Sandwiches and light snacks back at the Westby library meeting room (12:00)
Onsrud Family Review: Meet, Greet and Share (1:00 pm - Meeting room at the Westby Library)
Who's who? Introductions & Personal Stories
Presentations - Farms in Norway, Family Slide Shows, Tracing the Family Tree Branches
Reunion Group Photo (4:30 pm) Gather in front of the risers at the football field or perhaps in front of the rocks in Davidson park. We'll find a place nearby with a slope of some sort. In case of rain, we will do it inside.
Gala Banquet (Nordic Lanes Banquet Room, Westby)
Well maybe not gala. Menu: meatballs, ham, mashed potatoes, lefse, corn (lutefisk if we are lucky) and drinks (water, soda, coffee, beer, wine). If you are local and can bring a dish such as a favorite Norwegian salad, hotdish, dessert, cookies, etc. to include in the smorgasbord, please do. There will be a prize for most authentic and/or novel Norwegian dish, cookie, jello or dessert.
5:30 Doors Open
6:00 Sit Down Pre-dinner Program: Things We Have In Common
6:30 Dinner
Post-dinner entertainment:
Norwegian Trivia Bowl
Sing-a-long: Deb "the Norwegian jazz singer" at the piano
Family Talent Contest
Best Norwegian Joke Delivery
Prizes awarded throughout the evening.
Sunday October 9
Morning Coffe and rolls (9:00) In Davidson Park if the weather is nice (shelter closest to road is reserved) In the library if cold or rainy (library also reserved)
Visit graveyards and/or site of the old local Onsrud farm
Afternoon (for those who can stay)
Civil War Heritage Weekend at Norskedalen (Coon Valley)
1:00 Get a taste of what Jens and Ole Onsrud experienced during the Civil War. Civil War living history drills and demonstrations with reenactment skirmishes depicting a civil war battle.